Chance for All project

with Danone

The Chance for All project is a landmark project, bringing together a diverse set of partners to work with disadvantaged communities to achieve a lasting economic and social impact. In 2015, after almost three years of implementation, the pilot phase of the “Chance for All” project has reached its final stages.


Chance for All is a joint undertaking, involving the work of Danone Ecosysteme, Danone Romania and Bóthar, to lend a helping hand to poor Romanian farmers, to help them increase their income and to improve nutrition. The second phase of the project started in late 2015.


In the first half of 2018, we expect the launch of the third phase that will be focused on consolidating past results and creating environmental friendly agricultural models


In order for small-scale farmers to gain the critical mass necessary to improve the quality and quantity of production, this project assisted participants in establishing three large producer groups of 150 families each, giving farmers the ability to invest more in their farm and creating a joint collection point. By having these in place, milk processors were more interested in buying and the larger groups were then better able to negotiate the milk price.


Initiated in 2015

Active Program

Total Budget: 3,069,556 EUR

Financed by: Heifer International,

Danone Romania,

Danone Ecosysteme and Bothar

To support the development and success of these larger producer groups the project partners provided farmers from three communities in Central and Southern Romania with 214 Irish heifers and 11,000 artificial insemination straws from Bóthar Charity Ireland, to improve the breeds and increase productivity. In addition to the heifers, beneficiaries have benefitted from facilities that can ensure the quality of milk produced including 25 Transportable Milking Parlors (TMPs), cooling and storage tanks and over 500 stainless steel cans.

This initiative also delivered a specialized training component including health, hygiene, nutrition, pasture management, artificial insemination, milking and cow reproduction. This aided them in obtaining a high quality and quantity of milk, which meets European Union standards. The market access for the milk is ensured by Danone.


The challenges are significant, but so are the rewards. The support received through the project helped build more resilient communities and link them in a sustainable manner to markets, through the provision of high quality livestock, the organization of community groups, social and technical training and assistance, and providing them with access to reliable market partners.


Str. Mihai Romanul nr. 19, 400472 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Tel.: +40 264 403 680 |