Green Processing of Wild Berries Social Enterprise


Initiated in 2016

Active Program

Total Budget: 222,268 Eur

Financed by: Innovation Norway

This project is based on the strong partnership of Open Fields and FAMD (“Dorna” Mountain Farmers Federation) with NIBIO (the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research).


This project created a non-wood product processing unit using sources of green energy and obtaining certified products. Non-wood products refer to all types of berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, redcurrant, blackcurrant etc.) mushrooms and herbs. The project target area was identified as being “ORGANIC” by the authorities.


The second purpose of this project was to raise awareness of the federation's members about the importance of correct capitalization of non-wood products gathered from the forest floor and the added value of this activity. Currently, gathering and processing these natural resources does not represent a key point of interest for people in mountain areas, due to the lack of processing infrastructure.


Through the project, Open Fields raised the farmer's awareness on the importance of managing these resources in accordance with environmental principles, ensuring a sustainable management of the forest areas. Thus local mountain farmers', members of the FAMD, now have the opportunity of obtaining certified products that can be sold under a unified brand, gaining added value diversification. We are confident that in time, this will lead to the dynamic control and prevention of chaotic exploitation of non-wood products.

The main objectives of the project:


1. Establishing a green non-wood processing unit and obtaining a certification of products


2. Organizing different trainings on the advantages of capitalizing non-wood products and acknowledging the importance of applying a sustainable management respecting at the same time the principles for a healthy environment


3. Dissemination of project activities


Str. Mihai Romanul nr. 19, 400472 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Tel.: +40 264 403 680 |