Revitalization of water buffalo

breeding in Aschileu and

Mera villages

The project goal is to improve the living standards of poor farmers in two Transylvanian villages by revitalizing water buffalo breeding.


Heifer International will provided families in Aschileu and Mera villages with water buffaloes. The project will contribute to strengthening peace and partnerships between two different cultures and nationalities, as Mera is inhabited by Hungarians and Aschileu by Romanians.


Project participants in both communities will improve nutrition and income through the consumption and selling of water buffalo products.


Through passing on the gift, from the initial 30 water buffalos that were donnated, we have reached a number of 77 families families that this project has assisted so far, and the relay is not over.


Initiated in 2013

137 beneficiares last year

Active Program

Total Budget: 131,047 EUR

Financed by: Heifer & World Vision

"Even though Romania is part of the EU, many people in this country rely on tiny-scale farming with manual methods of the 19th century and can hardly feed their families with this.  The Heifer projects not only provide the families in need with nutrition and additional income, but also help the whole communities to raise the standards of life  it was very rewarding to see that the livestock had such an enormous impact on the family. It requires the work of well-structured local organizations, such as Heifer Romania to define and execute projects that reach many families and therefore have an impact. I trust that  "Open Fields" will  continue this great work."

Gudrun Maul

(Process Efficiency Lead  EKS Europe, Middle East and Africa,

Elanco Study Tour participant)


Str. Mihai Romanul nr. 19, 400472 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Tel.: +40 264 403 680 |